Hazardous Materials for First Responders, 5th Edition



Prepare to respond to hazardous materials and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) incidents. This new edition provides first responders with information to take appropriate initial actions at WMD incidents and hazardous materials spills or releases. The focus is detailed information about hazardous materials initial operations.

NFPA 1072, Standard for Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Emergency Response Personnel Professional Qualifications, 2017 Edition

Awareness Level
Operations Level
Mission-Specific Competencies from NFPA 1072:

  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Decontamination
  • Detection, Monitoring, and Sampling
  • Victim Rescue and Recovery
  • Product Control
  • Evidence Preservation and Public Safety Sampling
  • Illicit Laboratories

Key Features of the Text

  • Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter
  • Case Study to focus student learning
  • Key Terms and Definition are highlighted
  • Warning and Caution Boxes Emphasize Safety
  • Review questions at the end of each chapter

40 skill sheets are provided at the end of chapters to provide step-by-step instructions to perform crucial skills.

Correlation to JPRs from NFPSA 1072 and NFPA 472 in Appendix A.

Chapter List

1. Introduction to Hazardous Materials
2. Analyzing the Incident: Recognizing and Identifying the Presence of Hazardous Materials
3. Implementing the Response: Awareness Level Actions at Hazmat Incidents
4. Analyzing the Incident: Identifying Potential Hazards
5. Analyzing the Incident: Predicting Behavior and Identifying Containers
6. Planning the Response: Identifying Action Options
7. Implementing and Evaluating the Action Plan: Incident Management and Response Objectives and Action Options
8. Implementing the Response: Terrorist Attacks, Criminal Activities, and Disasters
9. Implementing the Response: Personal Protective Equipment
10. Implementing the Response: Decontamination
11. Implementing the Response: Mission-Specific Detection, Monitoring, and Sampling
12. Implementing the Response: Mission-Specific Victim Rescue and Recovery
13. Implementing the Response: Mission-Specific Product Control
14. Implementing the Response: Mission-Specific Evidence Preservation and Public Safety Sampling
15. Implementing the Response: Mission-Specific Illicit Laboratories
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