Standard for Smoke Control Systems



The 2015 NFPA 92 is your one-stop source for advanced fire protection using smoke control systems.

Design smoke control systems to effectively manage smoke in the event of a fire in atriums or high-rise building stairwells. NFPA 92: Standard for Smoke Control Systems gives fire protection professionals and public safety officials an adoptable and enforceable source for all the requirements previously found in two Standards: NFPA 92A: Standard for Smoke-Control Systems Utilizing Barriers and Pressure Differences and NFPA 92B: Standard for Smoke Management Systems in Malls, Atria, and Large Spaces.

A one-stop reference for enforcers, engineers, architects, and industry professionals concerned with or responsible for public safety.

NFPA 92 covers all types of systems used to address the impact of smoke from fire, with mandatory provisions for the design, installation, and testing of both new and retrofitted smoke control systems in buildings -- including openings and leakage through egress doors in stairways. Chapters address:

  • Fully revised and correlated definitions
  • Design fundamentals
  • Smoke management calculation procedures
  • Building equipment and controls
  • Smoke control system documentation
  • Testing

Changes in the 2015 NFPA 92 include:

  • Clarified requirements for draft curtain materials, so designers and enforcers can make informed decisions about their acceptability

Annexes contain helpful explanatory material drawn from both NFPA 92A and NFPA 92B.

Work with comprehensive explanatory material filled with tables, charts, and state-of-the-art calculations; techniques for predicting the rate of heat release of fires; information on computer-based models for atria and malls; facts on additional design objectives; stratification of smoke; types of stairwell pressurization systems; HVAC air-handling systems; and more. (Softbound, 80 pp., 2015)

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