Motor Fueling for Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garage


  • Help improve storing and dispensing motor vehicle fuel safety by complying with the latest requirements of NFPA 30A.

    There are fire and explosion hazards inherent to working with and around flammable and combustible liquids and gases. NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages, helps mitigate dangers by providing safety criteria for dispensing liquid motor fuels into motor vehicle and marine craft fuel tanks. The code applies to fuel dispensing operations and motor vehicle repair facilities and covers gaseous fuels dispensed at the same location as liquid fuels. On-demand mobile fueling applications are also covered in this code.

    The new NFPA 30A features extensive revisions reflecting the most current industry developments and technology.

    It's crucial to stay up to date with cutting-edge criteria for fuel storage and related equipment, including piping and dispensing systems.

    Major changes to the 2021 edition include:

    • Revised Chapters 7, 8, and 9 to include new requirements for repair garages and areas where CNG and LNG vehicles are serviced. (These new and revised requirements cover the areas of building construction, electrical area classification, repair area classification for CNG and LNG vehicles, flammable gas detection, and purge ventilation.)
    • New requirements for on-demand mobile fueling on public streets added to Chapter 14
    • Revised fire extinguisher requirements in Chapter 9 to align with NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, and to accommodate new provisions for alternate vehicle fuel protection

    Help make sure you are following the most relevant and complete requirements for safeguarding motor fuel dispensing operations.

    NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages, is an essential publication for facility owners and operators, AHJs and inspectors, and architects and engineers involved in the design and construction of motor fuel-dispensing facilities. Order your copy of the new 2021 edition today.

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