Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains



For everyone from designers to Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs), the latest edition of NFPA 24 is a must-have resource.

An essential Standard for effective water-based fire protection, NFPA 24: Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances presents comprehensive requirements governing private fire service mains and private fire hydrants.

Reference the 2016 NFPA 24 for the latest information on location and identification of department connections, protection of fire service mains, and valves controlling water supplies. NFPA 24's criteria also addresses underground fire service mains and related equipment, yard piping that feeds automatic sprinkler systems, yard hydrants, standpipes, and other water-based systems.

To help you improve water-based fire protection effectiveness, the 2016 NFPA 24 was rewritten with a more user-friendly structure. Technical changes include:

  • Clarified valve arrangement requirements and added Annex figures are consistent with NFPA 13.
  • Revised Section 6.1 helps users identify the permitted exceptions to indicating valves, and also now permits non-listed tapping sleeve and valve assemblies in connections to municipal water supplies.
  • An added statement allows underground fittings to be used aboveground to transition to aboveground piping.
  • Because steel pipe is required to be listed other than in the Fire Department Connection (FDC) line, steel underground piping references were removed from the table in Chapter 10.

Make sure water supplies are ready when needed. Don't overlook this vital element of your fire protection plan. (Softbound, 54 pp., 2016)

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