Standard for Emergency Services Communications



Get a clearer picture of public safety telecommunications with the 2022 edition of NFPA 1225, Standard for Emergency Services Communications.

The 2022 edition of NFPA 1225, Standard for Emergency Services Communications, is the first edition and is made up of the consolidation NFPA 1061, Standard for Public Safety Telecommunications Personnel Professional Qualifications, and NFPA 1221, Standard for the Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Emergency Services Communications Systems. The two previous standards are separate and identifiable in this new standard for individual reference or adoption.

NFPA 1225 clarifies each emergency services communications position, its job performance requirements, and its applicable duties. Emergency services communications professionals can use this new standard to measure competency and maintain it through professional development activities.

Emergency service organizations, design professionals, and installers can use the 2022 edition of NFPA 1225, Standard for Emergency Services Communications, for the design of communication centers and radio communication enhancement systems to provide for vital communication reliability for emergency responders.

For the 2022 edition of NFPA 1225, Standard for Emergency Services Communications, several changes were made to the content previously in NFPA 1061 and NFPA 1221, including the following:

New job task added to identify fellow employees exhibiting signs and symptoms of emotional and behavioral distress
Chapters addressing emergency services radio communications updated
Requirements for maintaining the reliability of mission-critical communication updated
Internet communication pathways recognized for the role they play in emergency services communication
In-building emergency responder communications enhancement systems placed in separate chapter for easier reference
Refinements made to definitions, as well as permitting, survivability, and system acceptance testing
Referenced standards updated
This first edition standard is a must for public safety telecommunication professionals and first responders.

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