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757 Results

  • CA$1,179.60
  • CA$582.71
  • CA$111.25
  • CA$1,916.48
  • CA$158.54
  • CA$172.84
  • CA$224.84
  • CO: Response to Carbon Monoxide Incidents

    CO: Response to Carbon Monoxide DVD provides training to EMTs, firefighters, industrial fire teams, poison control center personnel, plant safety personnel and others who may be called upon to safely respond to an incident involving carbon monoxide, the most common type of poisoning responded to by EMS.

    Topics covered include:
    Hazard properties of carbon monoxide
    Where carbon monoxide is likely to be found
    Exposure limits, and symptoms at various levels of exposure
    Factors that impact symptoms.
    How CO detectors operate and how they may become contaminated and disabled
    Safety procedures to follow to prevent CO poisoning from occurring both in the home and workplace.
    Treating victims
    Monitoring for CO
    Ventilating the building
    How emergency medical personnel reduce the concentration of CO in the blood of victims
    How emergency responders locate the source of the carbon monoxide
  • DVD Decon Team

    Decon Team DVD provides Technician and Operations level training for emergency response personnel and for remediation workers who may be assigned to carry out hazmat decontamination in the field.

    Topics covered include:
    How to select and set up the decontamination area
    Duties of the Decon Unit Leader
    Illustrates the most current decontamination methods
    How to select a compatible method for the particular situation
    Factors that contribute to the severity of contamination
    Steps to take to minimize exposure
    How to detect contamination
    The importance of pre-planning in order to determine materials and equipment needs
    The basic stations of the decontamination process are explained
    Preventing secondary contamination
    Controlling runoff and contaminated waste resulting from decon activities
    Checking the effectiveness of decon operations.
    Leader's Guide included.
  • CA$368.36
  • CA$506.59
  • CA$219.70
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